Sunday, September 19, 2010

Blogging in Education

I have only ever blogged once before in my life. I use to have to write blogs once in a while for my Biology 30 class. I remember it not being a very popular thing to do back then but the teacher I had was freshly out of university and told us she wanted to experiment with it. Every day after class, one of us would be responsible for writing a summary of the class. We had the opportunity to say what we liked and what we didn’t like about the class and ask any questions that we had. It was really neat because then the rest of the students could comment on the blog and discussions would form.
Personally I think that I will get my students to do blogging in the future. After reading a few articles I see how it can be beneficial in all subject areas, including math. It’s a great way to get students involved in discussion and it’s a way to get them looking at problems in a different way. Nowadays students are very use to computers and the internet so I think that blogging is a means that they could easily become comfortable with if they aren’t already.

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